This is the Upper Salmon River steelhead fishing update for the week of November 25 through December 01, 2024, and this will be the last Upper Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Update issued for the Fall 2024 season.
Thanksgiving week was the coldest week so far on the Upper Salmon River this fall, but despite the chilly temperatures, steelhead anglers were still having success downstream of Deadwater in location codes 14 and 15. The fishing was much tougher upstream of Deadwater though because the slush (or frazil) ice started flowing on Friday. The weather forecast for the upcoming week looks more favorable for fishing though, and if the forecast holds, then the river will likely be ice free some days next week.
Catch rates last week remained good downstream of North Fork. Anglers interviewed downstream of the Middle Fork Salmon River in location code 14 averaged 8 hours per steelhead caught, and anglers interviewed downstream of North Fork in location code 15 averaged 9 hours per steelhead caught.
Few interviews were obtained from anglers fishing upstream of North Fork in location codes 16 and 17. One angler reported harvesting a steelhead in location code 16 which produced an average catch rate of 52 hours per steelhead caught, and no anglers that were interviewed upstream of the Lemhi River in location code 17 reported catching a steelhead.

River conditions continued to fluctuate throughout the week as the area transitioned from above average temperatures back to more seasonal temperatures. Water temperatures at the beginning of the week were just below 40° F, but by the weekend they had dropped to 32° F in all areas, and slush ice was present most mornings. River flows started off the week relatively high for this fall due to the precipitation that was received the previous week, but flows quickly declined moving into the weekend and are currently below what the river had been averaging for the last month (figure below).
We hope that everyone had a great fall fishing the Upper Salmon River. Steelhead fishing reports will start back up next spring, and if anyone ever has questions about the steelhead fishery on the Upper Salmon River then please call the Salmon Regional Office at (208) 756-2271.