
Upper Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Report 3.25.25

Mar-25-25 by Angela Montana

Steelhead action is heating up on the Upper Salmon River, with anglers near Ellis and upstream of the East Fork landing fish in as little as 3 hours…

Upper Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Report 3.18.25

Mar-18-25 by Angela Montana

The Upper Salmon River steelhead are on the move, and so are the anglers—find out where the bite is hot, who’s putting in the hours, and how the river conditions are shaping up for your next trip!

Attention steelhead anglers: Camping is not allowed in pull offs along S.F. Clearwater

Mar-04-25 by Moosetrack Megan

As anglers make plans to fish the South Fork Clearwater River for steelhead should be aware of an Idaho law that prohibits camping on certain state-owned property.

Upper Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Report 3.4.25

Mar-04-25 by Angela Montana

The Deadwater ice jam is out, the river’s clearing up, and steelhead season is heating up—time to grab your gear and hit the Upper Salmon!

Upper Salmon River Fall 2024 Steelhead Fishing Update 12.3.24

Dec-04-24 by Angela Montana

Cold waters and hot catches—Thanksgiving week brought success downstream on the Upper Salmon River, but icy challenges upstream. Here’s the final steelhead scoop for Fall 2024.

Winter Steelhead

Mar-06-23 by Angela Montana

If steelhead are your thing, here’s some footage that shows a beautiful winter steely: