brett french

Selling landlocked state parcels to lessees proposed in Montana water bill

Mar-20-25 by Angela Montana

A controversial Montana bill could put 1.25 million acres of state land up for sale—along with its water rights—sparking debates over access, revenue, and the future of public lands.

Montana hunters request study in hopes of easing crowding

Feb-28-25 by Angela Montana

Montana hunters aim to ‘track’ solutions to overcrowding with new study request.

Bill would protect ‘furry friends’ by requiring signs when trapping FWP lands

Feb-21-25 by Angela Montana

House Bill 436 aims to protect Montana’s ‘furry friends’ by requiring signs at FWP access points where trapping is conducted—helping recreationists make safer choices for their pets. Read more from Brett French here..

Lawmaker sponsors resolution supporting federal land transfer to states

Feb-14-25 by Angela Montana

Montana’s public lands are back in the political crosshairs, with a new push to transfer federal lands to state control—reviving an old battle that could reshape access, management, and the future of our wild places…

Is forever too long? Landowners tell Montana lawmakers to butt out of property decisions

Feb-06-25 by Angela Montana

BRETT FRENCH To make something perpetual is everlasting and permanent — so a long, long time. When it comes to […]

Bill would raise nonresident base license to boost hunter access funding

Jan-30-25 by Angela Montana

Will a proposed fee hike for nonresident hunters boost public access—or drive them away? Read more from Brett French…

Bill would increase private fish pond license fees to $600

Jan-23-25 by Angela Montana

Montana’s private fish ponds may seem like small fry compared to our famous rivers, but they’ve sparked a big debate. Read more from Brett French.

FWP conservation easement in Fergus County stalls amid confusion, miscommunication

Jan-16-25 by Angela Montana

After months of miscommunication and delays, the Fergus County Commission gave the green light to the Stafford Ferry Conservation Easement, ending a saga of confusion and setting the stage for better access to Montana’s wildlands—proving that collaboration can still win the day.

Daniel Stahle, Courtesy photo Analysis of subfossil whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) wood beneath a melting ice patch in the Yellowstone region indicates that a mature forest grew above treeline between 5,950-5,440 calendar year before present when the temperatures were similar to 20th century conditions and cooler than present.

Ancient trees reveal possible futures for Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Jan-09-25 by Angela Montana

Frozen in time: Ancient trees preserved in a Beartooth ice patch for 5,000 years are revealing secrets about past climates—and what they mean for our warming future. Read more from Brett French…

DEQ water quality studies lay groundwork for Smith River restoration

Jan-04-25 by Angela Montana

BRETT FRENCH If the Smith River were a medical patient, its doctors now have in hand a series of […]

High land prices stall Montana sage grouse easements 

Dec-27-24 by Angela Montana

With Montana’s land prices soaring, conservation efforts to protect sage grouse habitat are hitting financial hurdles, putting the future of this vital program—and the iconic birds it protects—at risk.

Bill would raise nonresident base license to boost hunter access funding

Jan-30-25 by Angela Montana

Will a proposed fee hike for nonresident hunters boost public access—or drive them away? Read more from Brett French…

Bill would increase private fish pond license fees to $600

Jan-23-25 by Angela Montana

Montana’s private fish ponds may seem like small fry compared to our famous rivers, but they’ve sparked a big debate. Read more from Brett French.

FWP conservation easement in Fergus County stalls amid confusion, miscommunication

Jan-16-25 by Angela Montana

After months of miscommunication and delays, the Fergus County Commission gave the green light to the Stafford Ferry Conservation Easement, ending a saga of confusion and setting the stage for better access to Montana’s wildlands—proving that collaboration can still win the day.

Daniel Stahle, Courtesy photo Analysis of subfossil whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) wood beneath a melting ice patch in the Yellowstone region indicates that a mature forest grew above treeline between 5,950-5,440 calendar year before present when the temperatures were similar to 20th century conditions and cooler than present.

Ancient trees reveal possible futures for Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Jan-09-25 by Angela Montana

Frozen in time: Ancient trees preserved in a Beartooth ice patch for 5,000 years are revealing secrets about past climates—and what they mean for our warming future. Read more from Brett French…

DEQ water quality studies lay groundwork for Smith River restoration

Jan-04-25 by Angela Montana

BRETT FRENCH If the Smith River were a medical patient, its doctors now have in hand a series of […]

High land prices stall Montana sage grouse easements 

Dec-27-24 by Angela Montana

With Montana’s land prices soaring, conservation efforts to protect sage grouse habitat are hitting financial hurdles, putting the future of this vital program—and the iconic birds it protects—at risk.

Brett French reports: Collars reveal wild treks by migratory mule deer

Dec-20-24 by Angela Montana

Don’t let their backyard snacking fool you—Cody, Wyoming’s mule deer are world-class migrators. Read more from Brett French here.

Brett French reports: Property owner group appeals elk lawsuit

Dec-13-24 by Angela Montana

Montana’s elk management debate heats up as ranches, lawsuits, and wily elk take center stage! Is it about population control or just keeping elk in check?

BLM unveils travel plan for southern Carbon County

Dec-07-24 by montanaoutdoor

The Bureau of Land Management has released a draft travel plan for a 76,000-acre region in southern Carbon County.

Brett French reports: Fish and Wildlife Commission restricts catch limit

Nov-28-24 by Angela Montana

Going against the Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ staff recommendations, the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission recently restricted raising […]

Brett French reports: Judith River land donated for state park

Nov-22-24 by Angela Montana

A history-rich parcel of land along the Judith and Missouri rivers in north-central Montana has been donated to the Montana […]

Brett French reports: Study adds new understanding of chronic wasting diseasets:

Nov-15-24 by Angela Montana

A recently published study conducted at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton mapped […]