The annual Great Rockies Sportshow will take place this weekend. The Show begins on Friday and ends Sunday afternoon. With all the cold and frigid Winter temps, come and warm up with fellow outdoorsmen and women at the Billings Metra Center. The times and admission info. Is on the Great Rockies Show website and on your local news. 

Outdoor shows are a rendezvous for sportsmen. We join to celebrate our favorite sports. Fishing, hunting, camping, boating, and vacationing are all important reasons to attend. There is always something new to see or buy. Lots of destination ideas will be on display. 

For many, the seminars are the best! Great outdoorsman are also great students of the sport. There is always something new to learn. This year’s seminars include elk calling and archery hunting, Fly fishing for beginners, Ice fishing, and many other topics. Check the website for times.

There will be seminars about walleye fishing, African Safaris, and Hunting for Halibut! A Lumberjack and Birdman show will also be on site. 

Montana Grant will be on hand at the show on Saturday and Sunday. He will be the Big, Ugly, guy wearing a new cowboy hat. My wife said I needed a darker colored Winter hat. 

On Saturday, at 1:00, you can visit MTG to see “Ice Fishin, Chillin n Drillin”. This seminar covers gear, tips, and tricks to do more on the ice than freezing. He will discuss sleds, tackle, jigs/baits, places, and strategies to Git Yer Limit on the ice. The seminar begins at 1:00pm. In the seminar theater. 

On Sunday, at 2:00, stop by and listen to MTG discuss “Fly Fishing, First Cast to First Fish!” This presentation begins at 2:00. Montana will discuss casting, gear, flies, places, tips, and tricks that will introduce and make you a better fly fisherman. 

Bring a clipboard to take notes. You are also welcome to take pictures of MTG’s gear and equipment. Feel free to ask any questions and meet Montana Grant. 

Join us this weekend for the Great Rockies Outdoor Show.

Montana Grant

Montana Grant