HELENA – Landowners have until May 15 to apply for Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ Elk Hunting Access Agreement Program. These agreements, which were established by the 2001 Legislature, provide landowners with an elk license or either-sex permit in exchange for allowing free public hunting access for elk management purposes. These permits and licenses are valid only on the landowner’s property.

The program allows landowners to apply for an elk license, permit or a combination of both in exchange for allowing free public access to a minimum of three hunters. The landowner can designate an immediate family member or an authorized full-time employee of the landowner to receive the licenses/permit.

The landowner can also select one of the three required public hunters. The other two are randomly selected by FWP. The landowner can also offer additional public hunting access beyond the three required.

For more information and to apply for the program, landowners can go to fwp.mt.gov/hunt/landownerprograms/public-elk-access-agreements.


FWP Hunt in Montana