We will never catch enough fish! No matter how often you go fishing, it will never be enough. The problem is finding the time or motivation to go fishing.
I hate getting up early. When my friend asks me to meet him before daylight to go fishing, I cringe. The same is true about hunting. I hate it when the alarm clock goes off. BUT… once I am up, have had a cup of coffee, I am glad that I get to witness another sunrise. Early morning fishing is also a wonderful time to hit the water.
Every day of our lives is one less opportunity to go fishing. I have faith that there is great fishing in heaven but… We need to learn and capitalize on our fishing skills before we cross, or fish under the Rainbow Bridge.
Fishing is not always about just one species of fish. My favorite fishing or place to fish is whatever and wherever I am fishing now. Trout are great but catfish taste great. Stripping or casting popping flies or lures for striped bass is the best but catching shad in the Susquehanna River is too. A pond of bluegills is as much fun as a river full of smallmouth bass. Salt and fresh water add spice to what we catch. It is all good.
We will never catch enough fish, have enough gear, tie enough flies, visit enough honey holes, or have enough fishing friends. Fishing is an addiction without limits. The more we fish, the more we want to fish. We will never tell enough stories or have enough adventures.
Not fishing and feeding your healthy addiction is the worst habit. Life’s regrets will not be from work and stress. It will be from lost moments and opportunities. Time fishing with friends and family will be lacking.
Just one more cast please!
Montana Grant