Anglers interested in chasing native trout have some options in Yellowstone National Park. For example, when Yellowstone Lake opens on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, park fisheries chief Todd Koel said it is one of the best times to hook large cutthroat trout. The lake is growing cutthroats from 22 to 24 inches long, a common size. Tossing an Olive Woolly Worms is one way to hook them on a fly rod. For spin fisherman, a Spin-a-Lure is a good choice. Boaters should note the park is being more restrictive about aquatic invasive species and what crafts are allowed. If you are thinking of going, take a look at the regulations on the park’s website first. If arctic grayling are of interest, anglers might try hiking into Ice Lake between Norris and Canyon. The lake is growing grayling up to 16 inches.
To learn more about the park’s fisheries, check out my story at