An RV or recreational vehicle is a Real Vacation. Whether you rent or own an RV, your time outdoors will be memorable.
There are so many RV choices today. Bretz RV offers wonderful choices and deals. Their assortment of RV’s will fit everyone’s outdoor needs. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
There is something magical about towing or driving your home along to your outdoor destinations. Who knows what adventures await. The best memories from outdoor trips are unplanned and unexpected.
Back in the day, my parents owned a 1200 lb. 14-foot Winnebago trailer. It had an overhang, no bathroom, and a single axel. Our camp was in western Maryland for the opening day of trout season. The Appalachian Mountains are dam cold in early April. We had a huge crew of guys to go fishing.
After a great campfire and dinner, it started to get cold. Then the snow hit without any warnings or predictions. That little RV managed to fit 9 big guest adults, after their tent collapsed from the heavy snow. We had sleeping bags in every nook and cranny available. Talk about snoring!
Modern RVs offer great options to maximize space. Slide outs, generators, and all the modern conveniences. Of course, more gadgets and gizmos mean more repairs and breakdowns. Make sure that you read the manuals. If you get cold or too hot, it is your own fault.
There will be bears, freezing cold, thunderstorms, high winds, hail, breakdowns, and upgrades, but there will also be problem solving and FUN! There will also be new friends, great stories, and wonderful memories.
Waking up outdoors is relaxing. Campfires are great. Family interaction is amazing. Some convivences may be an outhouse away, and the bears and other critters are in your neighborhood, since you will be camping in their living rooms. Mosquitos need to eat too and on a hot Montana July night, you may wish you had a fan, but the challenges and adventure are worth the trip.
Glamping is the BRBO way to camp. You arrive at a perfectly set up camp with all the fancy fixins. Tents, vintage RV’s, Yurts, and old cabins offer a fun and simple way to camp.
If you cannot afford a modern RV, tent camping is also great. You are even closer to nature without the modern advantages. You can hear the bugs, birds, and bugles through the tent wall. Just avoid camping in an RV park, you will kept awake by their generators running to power their refrigerators and plasma tv’s.
Camp hard, Camp harder!
Montana Grant