Shooters throughout time show the scars and marks from firing their weapons. You could often identify what weapon they used with the scars they carried.
Flintlock shooters would be covered by black powder soot. Any breechloader would release spent black powder and sulfur that would sting their eyes and smudge their faces.
Archers required 3 fingers to pull and release their arrows. If they were captured by the enemy, they may have been released but not until the victors cut off their middle fingers. Without a middle or index finger, their archer career was over. To prove they were lethal archers, they would often give the enemy the “Fingers” to show they could draw their bows.
The German Broom handle Mauser and Luger pistols had actions that folded back to reload. If the web between your thumb and index finger were in the way, the gun would leave a scar. You had to hold the pistol lower than usual.
The index finger on any shooters hand is essential for a smooth and accurate trigger pull. Snipers required this finger for perfect accuracy. Shooters would have their fingers removed or crushed if caught by the enemy.
Beginner shooters were often “scoped”. The recoil from the gun would cause the rear scope ring to impact their face, usually above tehri shooting eye.
Christmas Light Trouble Shooters have scars from fixing Christmas Lights. Incandescent light strings have been around for decades but require maintenance. A patient light trouble shooter needs to remove burned out lights and test them. To do this, your thumbnail gets broken off.
They make light testing tools, but the thumbnail works fine for the first few dozen tests. After that the pocketknife comes out. Christmas lights come in so many calibers, sizes, and gauges that most revelers just throw them out when they burn out. A skilled marksman can troubleshoot the lights until they work for another season. A Thumbs Up without scars shows that you can use the right tools instead of the thumbnail.
After the annual tradition of targeting and repairing miles of Christmas strings lights, I suggest upgrading to LED lights. They are more bulletproof, durable, safer, last longer, and use less energy.
That’s gonna leave a mark!
Montana Grant