The inspirational movie, “And a River Runs Through It”, changed fly fishing forever. For lady anglers, any movie featuring the actor Brad Pitt would be enough. This movie used Fly Fishing as not only recreation but as a guide on how to live your life. No matter what your life problems were, you could endure the challenges by picking up a fly rod and religiously heading to the river. An entire generation did exactly that.

Today we have overly crowded rivers that have impacted on our wild waters. The good news is that if this generation of fly fishermen become educated, learn how to Catch and Release properly, and serve as Stewards of precious natural resources, we will have thriving fisheries into the future. If this newer generation is just about ripping lips, taking cell phone selfies, and mishandling fish, then wild fish will become a memory. 

The jury is still out on the future of trout fishing. Most modern fly guys get it right, the entire process of trout/ fly fishing is inspirational. Catching the fish is just one part of it. Ethical fishing is about more than ripping lips.

“The Way of a Trout” was the movie that inspired many older anglers to take up the fly rod and join Trout Unlimited. Back in the day, TU was about education, mentorship, and conservation of trout and their environs. This movie was made in 1969 and was often shown at outdoor shows, the Wide World of Sports, and other venues. 

The Fly Guy, in the film, was on a Michigan river searching for trout. Along his journey, he observed the ecosystem, critters, and what made the watershed special for trout to thrive. As a teacher, I showed this film every school year to my science classes. It was a perfect film about nature. The exciting battle with a huge rainbow trout is the best! Many of my students became fly fishermen after watching this film. My fishing club was always full.

You can google this movie and watch it on the Trout Unlimited website, or on YouTube. It is worth the time. The film is vintage, the angler is mature, and the colors are faded, but the message is clear and wonderful. 

Follow the Way of a Trout!

Montana Grant

Montana Grant