HELENA – The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission is looking for public comment on whether or not to initiate rulemaking on changes to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) for “control methods of the gray wolf include nonlethal and lethal means.”

This ARM provides the legal framework for wolf management in Montana, but refers to the existing wolf plan, adopted in 2003. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is currently working on a new wolf plan. The proposal to the commission will allow FWP to undertake a public process to change this particular piece of the administrative rule so that it no longer references a specific wolf plan, but rather the current plan, whether that’s the 2003 plan currently in place, a 2023 plan, or some future plan.

Under Montana statute, this ARM change, like many guiding FWP’s work, must be initiated by the Fish and Wildlife Commission and then go through a prescribed public process before final adoption by the commission.

The commission meeting is scheduled for April 18. For more information, go online to fwp.mt.gov/aboutfwp/commission.


Hunt in Montana