One way to see if your wife still loves you is to ask her to buy you fishing bait. Worms, maggots, leeches, grubs, or any other squirmy, slimy baits may be on your list.
So, after 45 years of marriage, I asked Montana Lin to pick me up a couple dozen worms. She was running errands anyway and asked if I needed anything. I needed worms for my fishing trip the next day. I still had enough maggots and did not use leeches when ice fishing.

She was surprised that you could even buy worms in gas stations, Ace Hardware, or other common stores. “Where do I even shop for them?” I told her to just ask the cashiers, “they are usually in a small fridge by the checkout.” Things were looking better until I asked her to make sure the worms were alive! “How do I do that?” she chirped. “Just open the lid and make sure that they are shiny and moving.” Well, that sealed the deal.
Montana Lin has never been a fan of worms and maggots. If we fished and she needed to bait up, I usually needed to do it for her. She loves using spinners, flies, and artificials but draws the line with worms. After having 2 kids, and years of diapers and other kid yuck, you would think worms would be no big deal.
When we dated, and I needed beer money, Lin would hold the worm coffee can while I pulled night crawlers out of the lawn. I would cover my bright flashlight with a handkerchief to dim the light. When I saw a shiny worm, I would use a finger to stop it from retracting back into the hole. Then I would gently pull and remove the worm from the ground.
My favorite nightcrawler spot was outside a nearby church. The church lawn was perfectly cut. I never paid attention to the fact that my spot was also next to the graveyard. Anyway, MT. Lin was a real trooper and managed the worm can fine! Back then, sport shops would pay 25 cents a worm. Draft beer was 30 cents for a 10- ounce glass. After selling our worm harvest, I would pocket plenty of date money. The things a girl will do for a cold beer.
Times have changed. Today I will be going out to buy my own worms.
Montana Grant

PS Montana Lin brought home 2 dozen fresh night crawlers. The cashier gave her an assist!