Montana’s famed fisheries provide amazing recreational opportunities, from blue ribbon trout streams in the west, to the world-famous Fort Peck Reservoir in the east. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks provides abundant fishing opportunities, while protecting native fish species, and critical aquatic habitat. A new comprehensive statewide fisheries management plan is a key piece of that management.
The first Montana Statewide Fisheries Management Plan was implemented in 2013. This is the third
edition of the plan and was required by new legislation passed in 2021 (SB 360). This edition of the plan was written with the intent of being more prescriptive than the previous two versions, shortened the review duration from 8 years to 4 years, and is more comprehensive. These changes are intended to make plan implementation more responsive to changing conditions and more transparent for the public and decision makers. The plan will be updated every 4 years with extensive input from the public.
Decision Notice: Statewide Fisheries Management Plan 2023-2026
Part I
- Part I (PDF)
Aquatic Habitat, Aquatic Invasive Species and Fish Health, Fish Propagation, Allocation and Distribution, Fisheries Management Tools and Techniques, Youth and Family Fishing, Species Management
Part II: Drainages
- 2.00 Part II Introduction (PDF)
Fisheries Management Direction for Drainages and Waterbodies - 2.01 – Kootenai River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.02 – South Fork Flathead River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.03 – Swan River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.04 – Flathead River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.05 – Upper Clark Fork River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.06 – Clark Fork River Flint-Rock Cr Drainage (PDF)
- 2.07 – Blackfoot River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.08 – Bitterroot River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.09 – Middle Clark Fork River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.10 – Lower Clark Fork River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.11 – Red Rock River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.12 – Ruby River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.13 – Beaverhead River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.14 – Big Hole River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.15 – Boulder River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.16 – Jefferson River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.17 – Madison River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.18 – Gallatin River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.19 – Upper Missouri River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.20 – Missouri River Dearborn Drainage (PDF)
- 2.21 – Smith River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.22 – Sun River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.23 – Teton River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.24 – Belt Creek Drainage (PDF)
- 2.25 – Judith River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.26 – Marias River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.27 – Upper Milk River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.28 – Middle Milk River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.29 – Lower Milk River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.30 – Musselshell River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.31 – Fort Peck Reservoir Drainage (PDF)
- 2.32 – Missouri River – Poplar Drainage (PDF)
- 2.33 – Lower Missouri River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.34 – Upper Yellowstone River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.35 – Bighorn River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.36 – Middle Yellowstone River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.37 – Tongue River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.38 – Powder River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.39 – Little Missouri River Drainage (PDF)
- 2.40 – Lower Yellowstone River Drainage (PDF)
Fort Peck Reservoir Fisheries Management Plan
- Appendix A: Fish Removals (PDF)
- Appendix B: Fishing Contest Guidelines (PDF)
- Appendix C: Priority Drought Waters Table (PDF)