Flathead Lake – We are seeing a great Laker bite off the Delta. Try depths of about 15’- 40’ using jigs and cut bait.

Flathead River – River clarity and levels are starting to change. We are still finding decent trout fishing from drift boats using nymphs.
NEW REGULATION: Single hook only

Warm and wet weather have ice conditions changing rapidly. USE EXTREME CAUTION

Dickey Lake – Ice is still hanging on. Try accessing off the back side. We have reports of Kokanee being caught at depths about 50’.

Ashley Lake –  Ice thickness is about 6-7 inches. There is a good Kokanee bite in the morning on Halis at about 40’ deep.

McWenneger Slough – Open water. The launch is shallow so no reports yet.

Bitterroot Lake – There is about 6-7 inches of ice. Kokanee are being caught at two depths. Try about 200’ deep or shallower at 40’-50’ depths.

Reminder no matter the thickness “No Ice is Safe Ice”

For more information on Snappy’s Sport Senter in Kalispell, a Montana Outdoor Approved establishment, click here.

(Feature photo via Snappy’s Sport Senter website)

Fishing ice report Montana Fishing Reports Snappy Sport Senter