Montana hunters and meat lovers use ground meat for many recipes. Burgers, chili, meatballs, and so much more. Meatloaf is also a common use. 

Camp cooks are always looking for something different to kick their meals up a notch. Different spices, presentations, ingredients, or something to make your camp crew smile. 

The first time I made this recipe, I was just trying to use what was available. You can also change the recipe to upgrade your meatloaf, instead of serving the same Old Grind!


  • 1 stack of Ritz crackers (the first time I used these was when they got smashed during transport)
  • 2 beaten eggs.
  • 1/3 cup of milk (canned/ powdered milk is fine)
  • 1 ½ cups of shredded cheddar cheese (any cheese will work. I grated a block of cheddar that was beginning to mold. The mold was cut off before shredding)
  • ½ finely chopped onion (wild onions work well)
  • ½ cup of finely chopped peppers (tomatoes do well also)
  • ½ tsp of salt
  • ¼ tsp of garlic powder and pepper (most of my camp spicing uses Old Bay seasonings)
  • 2 pounds of ground meat (wild game works well. I have also used turkey, chicken, and fish)

Sauce Topping

  • ½ cup of ketchup (any smashed/sauced tomatoes with spices will work)
  • 3 tbsp. of brown sugar
  • 2 tsp. of Dijon or plain yellow mustard. (Mix the sauce together before putting it on the top of the loaf. If you do not, the mustard will cook into “turdlike” looking worms)


You need 350 degrees for the bake. Preheat a Dutch oven or have a loaf pan ready to use. I have used parchment paper in a Dutch Oven for easier removal and clean up. The Meat loaf can be shaped into a loaf or a mound. 

Combine the eggs, milk, cheese, crackers, onions, green pepper, spices. Crumble the grind into the bowl and mix. Clean hands work well. I put on a pair of rubber gloves to squish and smush the meat mix. Shape into the loaf you like.

Combine the topping ingredients and spread over top the loaf. 

Bake until the thermometer reaches 160 degrees, about 75 minutes. I prefer my loaf cooked 15 minutes longer so that the edges are secure and crunchy. In a home oven, 1 ½ hours is not too long. 

Try to keep a constant temperature. Campfire cooking may take longer. 

A well-made meatloaf will slice and hold together, after it has set up. 

You can serve with gravy or other sauces, but the topping makes for a tasty condiment. 

Kick your meatloaf up a few notches with this versatile meal. Serve with mashed potatoes and corn. Leftovers, if there are any, make great sandwiches the next day. I often bake an extra meatloaf just for sandwiches the next day. 

I have also made this meat loaf in an air fryer, slow cooker, and hot pot. 

Montana Grant

Montana Grant Recipes