Encountering a mountain lion in Montana can be an unnerving experience, especially if the big cat looks like it’s sizing you up for its next meal. Mountain lions, also known as cougars or pumas, are ambush predators with powerful muscles and razor-sharp instincts. According to Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP), the state has a healthy and growing mountain lion population, leading to more sightings and occasional close encounters. If a lion appears to be stalking or staring intently, experts recommend standing your ground, making yourself look larger, and speaking in a firm voice to deter it (National Park Service, 2023). Never run, as that can trigger its natural chase instinct. While attacks on humans are rare, they do happen, with documented cases in Montana and other western states. Staying aware of your surroundings and knowing how to respond can mean the difference between an exciting story and a dangerous situation.

Here’s a pretty intense encounter that took place in Montana. It was posted approximately 10 years ago by Daniel Bradford.


Montana Mountain Lion wildlife