Spring is in the Air

Spring like temps and longer days are the norm right now on the Madison River.  The fish have noticed and have started to get into the spring swing.  Good fishing can be had river wide with nymphs and some dry flies.  Our first spring special guide trips are headed out the door.  Be careful out there.  Valley Garden and Ennis town access are still closed because of the ice jam this winter.  Burnt tree hole access is open but there is significant ice on the boat ramp and getting a boat launched or taken out is difficult at best.  If you are looking to float stay above 8 Mile Ford and you will be good to go.  A significant increase in fisherman this week with the nice weather.  The time springing forward does that to people.  They start thinking spring.

Stay Sub Surface for the best Action

The guys doing the best are absolutely nymphing.  Spring stuff like pink worms, pink or flesh colored eggs, any midge larva and stone fly stuff are all getting eaten.  More important is getting the offering down and slow.  The fish in the Madison River are still cold and water temps are just above 35 degrees.  Get them down near the bottom and get them slow. Our guides have been having better luck stopping on a hole.  Let the fish see it more than once and they will most likely eat it.  Run and gun out of a boat is producing less fish.  Only fish the deep green water .  The deep buckets and trenches.  The fish are down there.

Dry Fly?

Yes there is some dry fly fishing to be had.  We have been seeing some good midge activity in the afternoons.  If you find yourself on a cloudy day with little or no wind you should see risers in the afternoon. Think about 2-4 pm and look in the slicks, and slow inside turns.  If you hit it right on the right day some serious midge dry fly fishing is to be had.   Most are fishing buzz balls or para midges.  Both in a size 18 on a thin 4X tippet.

Good Things To Come

Yes the fishing is good right now but it is just the start of the season.  As long as we get spring like weather and no return to winter we will see good fishing.  This is our favorite time of year to fish the Madison River.  Stop by the store for some great deals and to load up your boxes .   Better yet start the season with a new fly line.  A new line makes you cast better and makes you happy.


Buzz Balls, Para Midge, Purple Haze


Pink San Juan Worms size 10, Pink Egg size 12, Zebra midge black size 18, Zebra Midge Red size 18, Hurless stone size 6 Pats rubber leg black size 6


Any olive sculpin pattern in a size 4.  Fish this deep and slow.

More from the Tackle Shop here.

Madison River Montana Fishing Reports