HELENA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is conducting a public scoping effort on a proposal to build a shooting range on state trust lands near Logan.

The proposed shooting range would include a rifle range with targets out to 600 yards, separate lanes for pistol and short-range shooting, and shotguns. This proposed shooting range would require an easement for land managed by the Montana Department of Natura Resources and Conservation located along the Interstate 90 corridor approximately two miles outside of Logan.

The land is currently under a grazing lease, which would be purchased by FWP as part of this project.

This public scoping provides an opportunity for the public share concerns or questions while the project is still in the planning phase. These comments will help determine public interest, identify potential issues, and illuminate options for the project moving forward.

The public can comment through April 23. Comments can be emailed to Sam Hoggatt at Samuel.hoggatt@mt.gov, or mailed to FWP care of the Logan Shooting Range Proposal, 1420 E. 6th Ave., Helena, MT 59601.

The entire public scoping notice can be found online.

