Migratory bird hunting regulations pertain to cranes, snipe, doves, ducks, geese, swans, and coots, which are managed on a flyway basis. Two flyways occur within Montana, with roughly the eastern half of the state in the Central Flyway and the western half in the Pacific Flyway. Federal season and bag limit frameworks are established by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), but the Fish and Wildlife Commission retains the authority to establish seasons and bag limits for migratory birds within those frameworks. Other than normal calendar rotation, an increase in pintail bag limit, and modest increases in sandhill crane licenses, most aspects of the previous season are recommended to remain in place. In addition, every five years, the USFWS allows states to amend zones and splits for waterfowl. Based on public feedback, FWP is proposing a change to Central Flyway Zones to affect Sweet Grass and Stillwater counties, moving from Zone 1 to Zone 2, in southern Montana and corresponding dates associated with the split.

The public comment period on the following proposal will close March 26, 2025, with final action at the April 17 commission meeting.

To comment and for more information, click here.

Bird hunting