Old fishermen and Big Fish have something in common. They are closer to the end than the beginning of their lives. It takes years for small fish to grow into Lunkers. It also takes years for anglers to master their spot and learn how to catch the lurking lunkers.
Anglers spend their life following and filling limits. They begin with minimal equipment and gear. It takes a lifetime to acquire the best tools and lessons to become a great angler.
Then we retire with hopes of fishing as often as we want or can. The problem becomes that we are now closer to the end of our angling lives than to the beginning. Every season is one less. Every cast and fish may be our last.
Fishing has become what we do for others. Who did we share the sport with? Who did you teach how to fish? The best trophies are the ones when we helped others seek their limits.
Fishing is a wonderful metaphor for life. We catch on to new things. We become hooked on fun and healthy sports. We strive to fill our Bucket Lists.
As we age, our bodies slow us down. Wading and rowing becomes harder. Long days take longer to recover from. Finding friends to fish with is harder as our buddies also age and their bodies fail. Others have already crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
One thing is for sure. We will never have fished enough days. There is always the desire to take just one more cast! In our final days, the memories of the Big Ones that got away will still be vivid.
Live long and proper!
Montana Grant