Pet owners may love their pets, but not all dogs are trained equally. Different breeds of dogs also require diverse types of training. Some breeds are quick to learn. Voice inflection, body language, clickers/crickets, or other tools may be helpful. 

Over the years I have owned a pack of dogs. German Shorthaired pointers have been my breed of choice. These high energy dogs make wonderful hunters but can have bad habits. They like to jump on visitors and can bark excessively. They can get overly excited and can be bullheads when it comes to listening. 

We have all tried shock collars, choker chains, and tough control techniques. It seems like it takes many repetitions to see positive outcomes. Just getting the dog’s attention can be a challenge. If the weather is windy, the area is loud, and there are other distractions, dogs may not pay attention or hear you.

Shock Collars are expensive and need recharging. You also must remove them overnight. With proper use, the sound, vibration, or zap will teach the dog hard lessons. Added collars/antennas can also get tangled in thick hunting cover. Waterproofing may also fail. 

We purchased a new wireless training option.

Wireless Ultrasonic Dog Trainer

The price is under $50.

The NPS Dog Training tool runs from a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. 

3 Training modes. Sound mode, ultrasonic mode, and ultrasonic plus flashlight mode. 

You can select which setting best meets your dog’s needs.

The sound mode gets the dogs attention. 

The ultrasonic mode stops barking. 

The Flashlight plus ultrasonic mode helps find your dog. The dog can hear, see, and find you in the dark. 

The ultrasonic emission is good up to 50 feet.

The unit is compact and lightweight. 

There is no collar or unit attached to the dog. 

This device does not affect other animals unless they are within 50 feet. There is no damage because of the sound. It collaborates best with dogs from 6 months to 8 years old. Before 3 months a puppy’s auditory systems are not yet fully developed. After 8 years old, hearing loss may be a concern. We had immediate positive success with our NPS collar.  

This training tool is not a toy and should be handled by a responsible adult. Search for NPS Dog Training tool online to research these products. 

I have found this unit to be helpful. When I am walking my dog, and other dogs begin barking, the press of the button shuts them up. It works on my barker as well in the yard and house. When my dog begins to ignore my commands, a quick press of the button causes him to look at me and hear my command. The NPS training tool may be helpful for your stubborn dogs. 

Keep your dog under control!

Montana Grant

Montana Grant