The weather has allowed for some superb ice fishing. Handy Randy and I hit the lake for some Big Bow Bustin!
The lake access has changed, which means you must walk further. Wheelers are not able to hit the ice unless you are at the Silos. The thighs of steel have become important. I have lightened my sled, so it is easier to pull but dragging it over the exposed shoreline rocks is tough.
We trekked for a mile or so to find enough water under the ice to fish. The overall water level of the lake has dropped. The ice in the deeper water is anywhere from 14-20 inches thick. It depends where you drill your hole. Under the ice, is a few feet of water, where the trout are using to cruise for food.
Handy Randy is a great angler and picked our spots. We drilled a dozen holes and set out the rods. In the past weeks we were into fish at once. I have been unable to set out 6 rods due to frequent action. Today the bite was SLOW!

After a half an hour, I began jigging my rigs and wham! It was Hammer Time. Jigged fish are just nipping at the bait which means hooking them is harder. I sharpened my hooks but kept losing fish just below the hole. Handy was loading the ice!
Normally, I out fish my buddies but not today. Handy Randy was the” King of the Ice holes” today! Not only did he limit out first, but he also iced a big walleye! I kept hooking and losing fish but still managed to reach a limit.
The trout are big and strong. A good drag on your reel is essential. I prefer a 4–6-foot rod when ice fishing. Longer rods allow me to manage the fish better. Handy has the typical mini me ice rods which performed well today.
Pressure ridges are beginning to form. Puddles of water are also showing up. The thick ice now is safe but, in a few weeks, that could change. As the day warms, water forms on the surface. Ice cleats are important to keep you upright.
The next 2 weeks should offer great fishing. If you snooze, you lose. We fished off the Silos and headed south. We were only in less than 10 feet of water. Seagulls surrounded us as we enjoyed the day.
Walking back to the truck has been a challenge for me. I take my time and use a ski pole to keep upright. The tough part of the sled drag is when you reach the rocky shore. The mud and loose rock make dragging your sled harder. Fortunately, Handy Randy helped me pull my sled to the truck. That’s what good buddies do!
I filleted up my catch and plan to have a fish dinner this weekend. The trout filets are brilliant orange in color. I have been bleeding my fish on the ice after catching them. A separate ice hole is for hanging the trout on a stringer and soaking them in the hole. It seems to help make the fish taste even better. Handy Randy has been smoking his catch. They were tasty!
Good Luck Ice Busters!
Montana Grant