Ah, the internet—a place where everyone is an expert, and negativity is the hottest trend since sliced bread (which, by the way, many people hate too). Fishing, hunting, and trapping posts are no exception, and it seems like no good deed—or filleting method—goes uncriticized.

A prime example is this step-by-step infographic on how to fillet a northern pike that was forwarded to us by a fellow MORS listener via Fishing Life. It might seem helpful to some, but according to the comments section, it’s either an abomination, a crime against fish, or a decent way to go about it—depending on which commenter you ask. Here are a few of the comments that stand out:

  • “This is the worst way to clean a northern. So much wasted meat. So sad. Been doing this for 40 years, there’s 2 better ways!”
  • “The actual way is to remove the hook and let that boney bastard swim free. Only eating pike in a life-or-death situation.”
  • “Love me some pike!”
  • “If you think this way wastes meat, you’re not too good at it…”
  • “Hey those are my fish. Quit telling people how to do this. I don’t need everybody and their brother going out there and catching all of my fish.”
  • “This is not the way to clean a pike.”
  • “Totally a waste of meat cutting it like that. Lmao. Wow.”

With more negative comments than positive ones, we figured we’d pass this on to see what your thoughts are on this method. What do you think? Let us know on our Facebook page, and try to keep the fillet knives at bay!

Fish How to pike