Baby Boomers may be the best generation ever. In our lives from the 1950’s until now, we have seen the most change, growth, and history ever. We watched the first man on the moon and now wear a Dick Tracy wristwatch that tells time, miles, heartbeats, and googles up the best fishing spots.

There are many things that will never be around again once the Boomers become silent. No land line phones, no paper money, no coins or stamp collecting, no handwritten notes, letters or thank you cards. Especially no “Cursive” handwriting.
Times are changing. There may be watches but no hands will be involved. No hour, minute, or second hands will be turning to show us what time it is. Instead, the readout will be digital.
Now you will see the numerical time, air temperature, set alarms, and know how many steps that you took today. I guess that is ok but…
How can you estimate how much time you have to:
get to work.
Take a few more casts.
Know when the sun rises and sets.
Until the bar closes
Until the opening day begins
Seeing the hands, on a clock, allows you to visualize the amount of time you have without needing to do mental math. Most hand watches also have a light feature so you can sit in your hunt blind and see the minutes until you can legally shoot. You can also use the wristwatch to decide direction.
Digital time requires even less brain cells. To figure out how many hours you have until its too dark to fish, you need to do some mental math. With Americas children riding in the back of the learning bus in Math, which is going to be tough.
At least the next generation can Email, Facebook, Google, and order a pizza on their new wristwear. They may have trouble figuring out time and planning their day. No winding, just recharging.
What time is it?
Montana Grant