Make Angling Great Again! Anglers love to fish. There are so many kinds of fish, ways to fish, places to fish, methods to eat fish, or just enjoy trying to catch a fish. The fish tend to be just the excuse that motivates anglers to go fishing.
Not all anglers are great at catching fish. There is not just one thing that will make you a great angler. People that are not anglers are missing a sport that makes people so happy. I have never seen a person catch a fish and not smile. Angling occurs in beautiful places. Fishing is so much fun and is so relaxing.
With a new year of fishing ahead, how can we Make Angling Great Again?
Finding a new Fishing partner
Pick up any trash that you find along the way.
Share information more honestly.
Teach someone new how to fish.
Fish several new places and meet some new anglers.
Join an Angling club that helps with conservation and positive angling outcomes.
Educate yourself about current and local environmental issues.
Discover and share new recipes.
Follow all angling rules and regulations when fishing
Being a vocal part of what is great about the sport of Angling.
Angling can only be Great if our waters stay healthy. Become an advocate for ethical and honest fishing practices, rules, and limits.
Let’s see if we can Trump past angling seasons.
Montana Grant