With some Montanans shed hunting in neighboring states, such as Idaho, this is an important read. If you’re itching to hit the hills for shed hunting in Idaho, there’s a new rule you need to know—if you’re not an Idaho resident, you now need a nonresident big game hunting license to legally pick up shed antlers. This change, which started in July 2024, is meant to protect wintering wildlife and prevent overcrowding, especially when neighboring states shut down their own shed seasons.

Idaho didn’t ban shed hunting, but in rough winters like 2022/2023, they can temporarily close certain areas to give big game a break. While last year saw some closures, 2025 is looking mild, so no closures are planned. However, Idaho Fish and Game will take things year by year, depending on conditions.

Why all the rules? Disturbing wintering animals can seriously impact their survival, and shed hunting often puts people right in the middle of critical habitat. If you have out-of-state buddies who love hunting for antlers, give them a heads-up about the new license rule, and keep an eye on Fish and Game’s updates for any future changes.

Read the full press release from Idaho Fish and Game here.

Antler Idaho Shed hunting