Fresno is 12% full with no inflow & about 40 cfs outflow. Nelson is 67% full with no in or outflow. Nelson is good fishing for walleye, northern, & perch. Best technics for walleye & northern. Walleye is better on the deeper edges & northern on the rocky points. Live minnows on tip ups seem to be the technic of choice. I prefer to jig. Perch are out in the deeper basin areas. In the Havre area for walleye & northern try 1st lake or the reservation ponds. Perch fishing on 1st lake like the other species is good. Towards evening into dark seems to be best. There are trout in most of the ponds on the Hiline & that fishing is good. In the Chinook area give Dry Fork a shot. It’s got it all. Be careful on the ice, enter at your own risk.

Good luck.

Brian Olson Ice Fishing ice report Montana Fishing Reports