Ice fishing is a special sport where you can meet some” really cool” new friends. You may need help Breaking the Ice.
Here are a few funny lines, to start a conversation, and get them hooked.
What do you call a fish with 2 legs? “A Two-knee fish”
Why do anglers love Winter? “They can a t least catch a chill”
What is the fastest fish in the lake? “A Motor Pike”
What kind of music do anglers enjoy the most? “Something Catchy”
How many anglers do you need to change a lightbulb? “Just one, but you should have seen how big it was. “
Why didn’t Noah do any fishing? He only had 2 worms.
Why is fishing such a good business? “Great Net profits.”
Why are fish smarter than people? “Ever see a fish spend a fortune to catch a human?”
Why do fish swim in schools? “Because they can’t walk”
Then there was the joke about the drunk Ice angler. He decided to go fishing and took his gear onto the ice. As he started to auger a hole he heard,” There are no fish under the ice.”. He looked around and moved to another spot. When he began drilling another hole he heard, “There are no fish under the ice”. After a third attempt he heard the same response. He asked, God is that you telling me where the fish are? The answer came back, No, I’m the Ice Rink Manager!
Hopefully one or two of these Ice Breakers will help you make a new friend or two.
Best Fishes!
Montana Grant