There are many types of fishing. You can fish simply or more complicated. There is special gear for some fishing methods and less for others. But what fishing method is the best?

“Best” is a relative term. Every angler has a favorite method of fishing, but the ultimate goal is the same. Anglers also want to Catch Fish ethically and honestly. Sadly, a small percentage of people want to catch fish any way that they can. This means using chemicals, hand grenades, poaching, netting or…

 Some anglers just want to catch a fish, any fish, big fish, trophy fish, or a fish that they can eat or throw back. To each their own. It is important to remember that Fishing is also supposed to be fun.

Humans are Hunters and Gatherers. This means that we can be subsistence consumers. We hunt and fish to provide food for survival. If the population of wild food resources is managed properly, a healthy natural resource will be available. 

Wild game and fish taste better when acquired honestly. A fish caught by the rules, ethically, and honestly feeds our bellies and souls. Abiding by the limits and rules is what great Anglers follow. 

Most kids began fishing with a cane pole. It had a limited amount of line tied onto a bamboo or willow branch pole. There was little tangling since no reels, guides, or tackle were involved. We sure had fun catching whatever would bite. 

Once we graduated to spin rods, the world expanded. Now we could cast further and had more choices to make. We also had to learn to untangle lines, hooks, and repair our modern gear. 

More gear meant more money was needed. We used what we could afford. Keeping things simple was important. As we aged, our job salaries increased, and our tackle boxes grew. 

The most expensive fishing involves more than just a rod, reel, and some hooks. You may need waders, boats, floats, nets, electronics, boxes of lures, jigs, and plugs. There is always something you need. Bass fishermen may require the most gear of all anglers. 

Fly Guys need specific gear that is often more about style than function. A cheapo fly rod may work better than an expensive one but the pricey ones sure are cool looking. The status of your gear is more important, to some Fly Guys.

Ice Men are cheapo anglers. You need a few short rods, some jigs, a bucket, and warm clothing. The auger often costs more than all the other gear combined. The bounty can be worth it if you can stand fishing in the cold, while looking at an 8-inch ice hole all day long. 

Some anglers brag about what they caught, where they fished, how they fished, what they fished with, and who they fished with. Others just like to go fishing!

The Best way to Fish is what you enjoy the Best! 

Montana Grant

Fishing Montana Grant