Moose are basically the heavyweights of the deer world—gigantic bodies, ridiculously huge antlers (on the bulls, of course) and somehow still managing to be surprisingly graceful for their size. You’ll find these beasts all over the northern hemisphere. Montana is home to moose, but Alaska is basically known as a moose paradise, with the perfect mix of forests, wetlands and tundra. In winter, it isn’t rare there for moose to squad up in small groups and travel together, munching on willow, birch and aspen. We’re talking about animals that can top 1,500 pounds or more and stand taller than most NBA players, yet they move like stealthy giants. It’s just not every day you see a moose conga line in the wild. Check out this footage below from Alaska:


What is the highest number of moose you have ever seen together at one time in Montana?

Source Info: National Geographic. “Moose Facts.”, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. “Moose in Alaska.”

Moose wildlife