There are so many amazing critters around the world we want to highlight at times, and this story is an interesting one. It became a viral sensation approximately one year ago. Check this out, and let us know what you think.

At 94 years young, South Texas legend Laura Berry just bagged the buck of a lifetime—and we’re talking monster status. This beast supposedly wasn’t farm-raised, tagged, tattooed or tracked—it is said to be as wild as they come, roaming free on a 6,000-acre Texas ranch with no high fences or deer management in sight. And the kicker? This incredible buck scored a whopping 321 B&C! Talk about legendary status. Laura’s hunt is proof that age is just a number when it comes to chasing dreams (and trophy bucks). What an absolute blessing—and an insane story to boot! CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS POST VIA HUNTING_THE_WILD ON INSTAGRAM

Now, before you are even more amazed about this beautiful and insane buck, take a look at what Lonestar Outdoor Show posted about this with a completely different dialogue in an attempt to set the record straight:

“Lots of rumors regarding 94 year old Laura Berry and her Texas buck. I’ve seen outdoor news outlets reporting the 321 inch buck is “free range” with “no introduced genetics”.

It is not. Berry Whitetails is a longtime staple in the deer breeding industry. They sell deer and semen. The buck might have been born in the pasture, but the pasture does indeed have a fence around it and the genetics have been manipulated over the years- not that I take issue with that at all.

But… If this was a free range animal it would destroy the current state record legendary Brady Buck (nobody knows who shot it but it scored 284 and change) of 1892 by nearly 40 inches. The Junction Buck of 1925 (picked up dead) scored 272 and Mark Lee’s 2013 Houston County buck that grossed 268 4/8.

So… congrats to Mrs Berry ( a legend of South Texas deer hunting) on a hell of a buck and for still pursuing her passion into her mid 90s. But let’s be transparent about what this deer is.

Carry on”

Regardless of the details of the harvest, that is one heck of a buck, especially for a 94-year-old!

buck Viral Stories