Hunters will often take a stand to wait for their quarry. The stand could be in a tree, next to a tree, using a set up blind, making a log blind, building a raised box blind, or just sitting on the edge of a field.
Blinds are set up where there is sign and evidence that a critter may show up. This means a water hole or wallow, cut crops like corn or wheat, thick bedding cover, a rut run, or simply near a well-used trail.
Back in the day, we would sit in a promising tree stand from dawn until dusk. You arrived early and stayed late. Sitting in an elevated tree stand requires incredible self-discipline and patience. If you can do it, you can be rewarded with a tagged success.
Hunting is about hours or days of waiting for a few incredible moments of excitement. Thats why it’s called “Hunting” and not “Killing”. Tagging out takes time.
What do hunters think about when on stand?
We often reminisce. The stand site may hold memories of previous success. Perhaps th stand has been around for generations.
ZZZZZZ! If you are strapped into the tree, a nap will happen. We close our eyes for just a few moments. Our ears take over.
Snacks are important So when should I eat my sandwich, jerky, or…
Problem solving So if I tag a critter, how will I get it back to the truck.
Cell Phones Technology brings a new way to pass the time. First turn the sound off. I have been in a tree stand communicating with several other hunters in several states at the same time.
Search patterns. Staying still is critical. Only your head should be moving. First laeft, then right, now behind…
Calling This gives us something to do. Making a grunt, bugle, cackle, or… Surely something will answer.
Comfort Should you move, light another hand warmer, is it time to take a …
Making Sense The sounds of Nature are so relaxing. You can feel and hear the breeze. The smell of the land is wonderful. Squirrels, birds, and other critters stop by on occasion. Our senses take over.
While you sit and wait, a sudden sound, smell, or movement grabs your attention. Is it a buck, bull, gobbler or…
Hunt hard, hunt harder!

Montana Grant