If Something Happened to Your Pup in the Outdoors. Would You Know How to Save Your Dog’s Life?

This week on the Montana Outdoor Podcast you host Downrigger Dale talks to Racheal Vargas of Montana K9 Safety. If you own a dog and take it with you in the Outdoors or along with you anywhere this winter especially if you could not get to the Vet in minutes, you really need to listen to this podcast. It indeed could save your dog’s life and save you from a whole lot of heartache. Racheal is a nurse that has turned into the Florence Nightingale for our four-legged best friends. Years ago, she decided to use her medical and safety training knowledge to train people how to save their pets should an emergency happen where lifesaving care was up to them. Think about it, do you know how to perform CPR on your dog? The Furbearer Trapping Season just started, what if you were out hiking with your pup and it stepped in a trap, would you know how to safely free him or her from the trap?

Let’s say you and Rover were out bird hunting and he suddenly dropped into a seizure, would you know what to do? How about if you’re out ice fishing and your dog falls through the ice and goes into hyperthermia and their heart stops, would you know how to save them? This Podcast will tell you all about how you can get on your way from just being a pet owner to becoming a life saver. Oh, but there is more to it than just that. Racheal will can teach your kids too! She can even train them how to start their own dog care and walking business! Sounds a bit more fun and lucrative than a lemonade stand, doesn’t it? This truly is such an important Podcast because we know so many of you that listen take your dogs all over with you. Let’s face they are family, they are our hunting partners, our best friends. So, let’s all learn about it by listening right now!

- To learn all about Montana K9 Safety and all the classes like the Free Trap Release class as well as other classes like, K9 Wilderness Emergency Care, Pet First Aid/CPR and Disaster Response, K9 First Aid Workshop, Pet CPR, the Kids Classes and more just click here.
- Keep scrolling down in the above link to learn also about the pet first aid kit that Rigger and Racheal talked about or to see some pictures and more!
- If you have questions for Racheal, you can email her by clicking here.
- Good old Rigger would love to hear from you too, especially if you have ideas for future podcast topics just click here!