Fresno is 16% full with little inflow & about 40 cfs outflow. Most of the reservoir is ice covered. Reports say ice is about 6” thick most places. For best action place tip ups in shallow water close to shore, 1’ of water under the ice is preferred. Do not let your lines free spool. Limit line out take to 10’- 12’. This will help eliminate tangles.

Nelson is 71% full with no in or outflow. Reports say ice depth across the reservoir is about 5”. Use tip-ups with live minnows along weed lines & drop-offs. Depths will vary from 6’ to 30’ of water. If you have the newer ice fishing sonar gear, use it to help find fish. Nelson has ice shack rentals available. For current info contact the Fresno Tavern or Sleeping Buffalo for current info. Beware, ice conditions vary, check for ice safety before proceeding.

Fishing MT F