The Bureau of Land Management has released a draft travel plan for a 76,000-acre region in southern Carbon County that’s popular with motorcyclists as well as hikers. The Cottonwood/Weatherman Draw Travel Management Area sits just north of the Wyoming border and between the Beartooth and Pryor mountain ranges. The high desert area contains a 12,000-acre Area of Critical Environmental Concern that has one of the highest concentrations of pictographs and petroglyphs in North America.

By the BLM’s estimate, there may be 600 cultural sites spread across the entire landscape. Opposite this region is a popular motorcycle riding area where an annual event is held. In addition, the lands are open to oil and gas exploration and livestock grazing. The BLM tried to take a middle-of the-road approach in favoring its Alternative D. Although 26 miles of routes would be closed to motorized vehicles, a new 10.5-mile road would be constructed. You can check out the plan online at or read through my story for some highlights at Billings Gazette.

Brett French Public Land Access