Every hunter needs some sweets to stay focused and energized. A sugar high will keep them tuned into what they need to do. 

Halloween is a time when many hunters fill up to fuel up. They make sure that their kids do some ample Trick or Treating. As parents we made sure that the kids have a fun costume, are escorted to areas high in candy potential, and are kept safe. 

My favorite hunting candies were Hershey Bars, Malty Balls, and Almond Joys. This year, my grandson did well as “The Venom” costumed character. His Pumpkin candy bucket was bursting but not overflowing. There were no Almond Joys or Mounds candy bars. I did not even see any Smartie rolls. There were lots of tinier candies. Even the Peanut Butter cups and small Hershey Bars were smaller. 

After the kids went to bed, tired from Trick or Treating, I would forage in their harvests. Surely, they won’t miss a few tasty treats. Back in the day Sugar Daddies and Tootsie Roll pops were abundant. These made great candys to suck on while waiting at a hunting stand. It would take an hour to dissolve just one. 

Charging a Tariff on the candy haul is not a bad idea. There is plenty of candy to go around, or there used to be. Today’s Halloween treats have shrunk! Minis have become minnier, small bites have become tiny bites, Malty Balls are smaller, and Mand M’s are fewer and littler, and no one gives away full sized candy bars anymore. 

I managed a few candies for the hunting pack but what the heck! Amongst all this downsizing to making more money is a lack of candy integrity. I am sure that nutritionists would prefer we gave out nuts, salad, and veggies rather than candy bars. 

Halloween and Hunting season come just once a year. Splurging a little cannot be that bad. Bring back supersized, mega, monster, and giant candy treats. 

TRICK or treat please!

Montana Grant

Montana Grant