The Gray Wolf Controversy Continues
By angelamontana

Posted: October 1, 2024

The Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation has filed a brief in support of the Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision to remove gray wolves from the endangered species list across the Lower 48 states. They’re pushing back against animal rights groups who want to keep wolves protected, arguing that science shows the wolf population has recovered and it’s time for delisting. According to them, the courts have repeatedly ignored the data and kept wolves listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), preventing resources from being used to protect species that actually need it.

In their brief, the Alliance points out that there are thousands of wolves thriving in the Northern Rockies, Western Great Lakes, and Canada. Yet, some courts—especially on the West Coast—are still hesitant to delist them. The Sportsmen’s Alliance believes this goes against what the ESA was designed for, and they’ve even launched their own lawsuit to force action on wolf delisting in certain regions. They say it’s time for courts to listen to the science and let states take back control of managing wildlife.

For more information on the Sportsmen Alliance Foundation, visit

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