The Captain’s Revised and Updated Hunters’ Checklist for 2024
By angelamontana

Posted: October 25, 2024

Opening day for Montana’s general rifle season for deer and elk is Saturday October 26th  Remember to let someone know where you are going to hunt and when you expect to return.  Oh yes, if you have a tip you would like to add to the list e-mail me at

2024 Revised and updated HUNTERS CHECKLIST

-Hunting Pack

-Game carrier

-Personal medication

-Small bottle of hand sanitizer-it’s almost 100% alcohol, can be used to help start a fire when placed on toilet paper 

-Cell phone in your vehicle-it just might save your life, plus doubles as a camera

-Toilet paper, small bucket, and shovel in your vehicle-when nature calls

-Hunting license and tags (yes, check it again to make sure) so you can hunt when you get there.


-2024 sunrise/sunset tables-so you know when you can start and have to stop

-Good pair of hunting boots and warm socks plus an extra pair of socks-there’s nothing worse than wet or sore feet

-Sharp knives, and a pack saw-one for the hide, one for quartering

-Sharpening stone or steel

-Game bags and a spray can of Pam-they keep flies off your game after you field dress 

-Rain gear-dry is better than wet

-Extra clothing-it would be nice if you could take layers off as the day warms up

-Plastic tarp-to place your animal on when cleaning or to cover up when transporting

-Binocular- they give you an edge and are safer than glassing from your rifle scope

-Range finder-better chance if you know your distance 

-Electrical or duct tape-to tape your license onto the carcass (after you validate it by cutting out the month and date)

-Hunters orange sweatshirt or vest and cap-it’s the law, 400 square inches above the waist

-Compass or GPS unit-if you want to get back to camp

-Garmin GPS unit or Your Smart Phone loaded with the up-to-date Montana mapping System from On X Maps

-Paper Map of your hunting area-so you don’t trespass or get lost

-Sighted in rifle and ammo-one-shot is the best hunt

-Shooting stick or bipod  

-Ammo carrier-makes things easier in the heat of the moment and keeps your cartridges clean

-Bottle of smoke so you know which way the wind is blowing 

-Orange marker tape- it helps you get back to camp and can help mark the site of your kill

-Five to 10 feet of rope-hundred uses

-Small flashlight-helps before dawn or after sunset

-Head lamp for hands free in the dark

-Matches in waterproof case and small candle- it will help keep you warm if you need to start a fire

-Energy bar-it helps you keep going and is light to pack

-Leatherman tool-thousand uses

-Two pairs of gloves-in case one pair is lost or wet

-One pair of rubber dishwashing gloves-use when field dressing your animal  

-Two one-gallon jugs of water-many uses, including washing hands and washing out carcasses

Sunglasses-if you get in a snow situation, you won’t be squinting all day

Warm cap-most body heat is lost through your head (with or without hair)

Also, put supplies into a fanny pack: a pocket first aid kit, small pkg of trail mix, small water bottle, pocket-size emergency blanket, plastic garbage bag (cut armholes and head hole and you have a rain proof vest) small packet of fire starter, short piece of nylon cord to help drag game out, waterproof matches and a throw away cigarette lighter. Finally, an extra set of vehicle keys or fob.

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