23 Years and 23 Days–A Hunt to Remember
By angelamontana

Posted: October 6, 2024

The Facebook page “Hunt Montana” posted this, and although we aren’t sure of the hunter’s name, the story was worth posting–congratulations!

Hard to put this one in words…
Coming back to hunt elk where I was born and raised has been a 23+ year process.
I hunted hard for 23 days straight and passed over 30+ bulls in bow range. 6 of those were 350”+
I spotted and bedded this bull that morning. Came off the mountain and grabbed my buddy Clint for the evening hunt. We went back into that drainage and immediately spotted a couple big bulls with cows. Wind was very inconsistent so we ended up at the top of the ridge and no sign of either bull. With only having 45 mins of light left, we worked back around and heard a bugle close by. I look down below and can see his big tops moving our way. We push down to a small pine tree, range him at 57 yds, slightly quartered away with a 20-30mph gusting crosswind… pin settled in front of his rear quarter and watched the arrow drift across his mid section right through his heart and exit the opposite shoulder. 30 seconds later and my long awaited quest was complete.
These mountains have a special place in my hunting lineage as it’s where it all started for me. Lots of mountain boot miles have been left and I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity and experience. October 1st will always have a special place in my memory!
None of this would have happened without some amazing family and friends. I know I’m very fortunate to be able to do what I do and give it the time and patience a hunt like this requires. Thanks Clint Clear Creek Hunting for helping make this all happen and being there with me to witness it all go down. And mi amigos Jack Brittingham and @benmillertime for the assist and quality time in the mountains.”
What a beautiful bull!
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