Land ownership is always a concern. Sportsmen/women, residents, and public are increasingly being blocked from access due to changing ownership.

Montana is a prime destination for out of state and out of country land ownership. Traditionally, out of staters are disliked because of their buying up farmland for their private estates. Montana and other western states have become the playground for the wealthy. Big Sky and Glacier have exploded with new growth. Northwest Montana is also becoming a popular destination for the wealthy.

So, what countries are buying up America? Traditionally, Russia, China, Iran, Egypt, and North Korea are labeled. China has bought Americas major pork producing companies as well as other farm areas. The products go directly back to China. Other nations are doing the same. If they don’t have total ownership, they are invested in the land. They do it because they can.

Recently, Idaho and Utah have begun to pass laws that hopefully will curb the sale of America to foreign entities. These bills are in the works. Americans are blocked from land ownership in many of these countries. If Americans can’t buy land in China, why isn’t this policy reciprocal? 

In Montana, 1.2% of our state is owned by foreign countries. This means that 697,590 acres are blocked from public or American access. Surprisingly, Belgium owns the most Montana property. 222,716 acres are controlled by this European nation. No other country has more than 100,000 acres but many of the notorious nations have their corner of Big Sky Country. Other countries that own Montana land are not the countries that you might think. 

Foreign nations own land for recreation, hunting, framing, or… Some land is conveniently close to sensitive military sites. Rosebud County is the largest foreign owned land area at 145,223 acres. 

Glacier Co. 71,898, Bighorn Co. at 61’693, Wheatland Co. at 50,271 acres, and Garfield Co. at 37,078 acres. 

Montana and other western states need to control these out of country investments and protect our lands for America, especially when these foreign countries prevent America from investing in their real estate. 

… our land!

Montana Grant

Montana Grant