MT Outdoor Podcast Hunting Series: Region 5 Secrets Exposed!
By angelamontana

Posted: September 21, 2024

Listen to Our Series of Montana Outdoor Podcasts About All the Hunting Opportunities in Each of Montana’s Hunting Regions! We Start This Week in Region 5! Find out where are the Best Opportunities for Elk, Deer, Pronghorn, Birds and More?

This week on the Montana Outdoor Podcast your host Downrigger Dale talks with FWP Region 5 Wildlife Manager Matt Ladd about what the hunting opportunities will look like this year in his region. Matt and Rigger take a deep dive into Region 5 to discover which hunting districts in the region have the best hunting opportunities for Elk, Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer, Antelope, Waterfowl, Upland Game Birds including Pheasants and Turkeys and more! When you click here to listen to the podcast you will find out all kinds of super useful information about animal population sizes throughout the region, how much of Region 5 has public hunting opportunities, how much of it has private land that is open to hunters through the Block Management Program and the list goes on and on. If you love to hunt in Region 5, have ever thought about hunting there or are just looking to explore other areas of the Big Sky Country to hunt in then you need to click here and listen to this Podcast! If you do you will be WAY ahead of all the other hunters with the excellent information Matt Ladd delivers just for you! And don’t miss next week’s Podcast when Rigger brings you all that info for Region 6! There will be more regions to discover in the weeks that follow as well so keep checking back right here on the Montana Outdoor Podcast! Yeah, this year all you Podcast Listeners will be the best prepared hunters in the State!


  • If you would like to learn more about Region 5 click here
  • You can also find more great ongoing updates on the Region 5 Facebook Page by clicking here!
  • To learn more about the FWP Region 5 Block Management Program as well as to get property maps and more for Region 5 click here.
  • Click here to get up to date on all Montana hunting regulations.
  • Don’t forget your old buddy Downrigger Dale! He would love to hear your comments about this Podcast and any of your ideas for topics for future Podcasts. Just click here to send him an email.

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