HELENA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will hold a virtual meeting Sept. 12 at 6 p.m. to discuss fishing regulation proposals and to answer questions from the public.

The meeting will be held via Zoom. To attend, please follow this link and then click “Join Online”.

Fishing regulations, like hunting regulations, are revised on a two-year cycle. Fishing regulations are printed on odd numbered years. The current proposals are out for public comment until Sept. 19. They were developed after a scoping period this summer when FWP staff visited with members of the public during several meeting around the state. The purpose of these early scoping meetings was to assess what changes people were looking for in the regulations and to get some feedback on ideas FWP staff had for various adjustments.

Once public comment closes on the regulations, the Fish and Wildlife Commissioners will have an opportunity to propose amendments, which will also go out for public comment. The final regulations will be adopted at the Oct. 10 commission meeting.

Hunt in Montana