FWP News: Additional counties in Montana placed under fire restrictions
By angelamontana

Posted: July 26, 2024

Restrictions affect FWP properties in Madison, Silver Bow, Dawson, Powell and Powder River counties  

HELENA – Fire restrictions continue to spread to other Montana counties as the summer heat continues. Stage I fire restrictions went into effect today at 12:01 a.m. for Madison and Silver Bow counties. Stage I fire restriction go into effect in Dawson County at 12:01 Saturday, July 27. Stage I fire restrictions go into effect in Powell and Powder River counties at 12:01 on Monday, July 29.

FWP-managed properties in Madison County include:

  • Wall Creek Wildlife Management Area (WMA)

  • Bear Creek WMA

  • Varney Bridge Fishing Access Site (FAS)

  • Harrison Lake FAS

  • Meadow Lake FAS

  • Parrot Castle FAS

  • Cardwell Bridge FAS

  • Raynolds’ Pass FAS

  • Silver Star FAS

  • Valley Garden FAS

  • Hell’s Canyon FAS

  • Ruby Dam FAS

  • Vigilante FAS

  • Alder Bridge FAS

  • Ruby Island FAS

  • Silver Springs Bridge FAS

  • Brownes Bridge FAS

  • Burnt Tree Hole FAS

  • McAtee Bridge FAS

  • Lyons Bridge FAS

  • Eight Mile Ford FAS

  • Ennis FAS

  • Kountz Bridge FAS

  • Tony Schoonen FAS

  • Three Dollar Bridge FAS

  • Damselfly FAS

  • Beaverhead Rock State Park

  • FWP-managed properties in Silver Bow County include:

  • Aunt Molly WMA

  • Brown’s Lake FAS

  • Little Blackfoot FAS

  • Scotty Brown Bridge FAS

  • Spotted Dog WMA

  • Gold Creek FAS

  • FWP-managed properties in Powder River County include:

  • Broadus Bridge FAS

FWP-managed properties in Silver Bow County include:

  • Fleecer Mountain WMA

  • Powerhouse FAS

FWP-managed properties in Dawson County include:

  • Johnson FAS

  • Intake Dam FAS

  • Makoshika State Park (fires still allowed in rings)

  • Black Bridge FAS and Stipek FAS

FWP-managed properties in Powell County include:

  • Nevada Lake WMA

  • Blackfoot-Clearwater WMA

  • Upsata Lake FAS

  • River Junction FAS

  • Cedar Meadow FAS

  • Harry Morgan FAS

  • Kohrs Bend FAS

  • Monture Creek FAS

FWP-managed properties in Powder River County include:

  • Broadus Bridge FAS

Stage I fire restrictions prohibit:

  • Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire or campfire.

  • Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.

These restrictions at FWP sites will be in place until further notice. Due to dry conditions and high fire danger FWP urges people to use caution while they are out recreating.

Learn more about wildfire prevention and the latest information on fires in Montana at www.mtfireinfo.org.


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