Tomatoes are a tasty garden crop that is so useful, and fun. Every year I try to Trump last years tomato crops along with other garden goodies. Thinking out of the box helps.
The other day I used my last quart jar of canned tomatoes from last year’s harvest. The fresh taste was still in the jar. I sliced up a huge sausage, browned it and added my tomatoes. While that simmered, I made some wide egg noodles and served up a delicious meal. My fishing buddy Handy Randy makes awesome salsa.
Last year’s tomatoes were not as great as 2 years ago. I have done some things the same but each season I try something new. Part of my problem was where I located the tomatoes in my garden, Sun and watering has made certain spots better for different produce. I plan to place my tomatoes in more productive spots.
I am also adding fresh topsoil to my raised beds. Over the years, they have settled and compressed. I also made a two-tiered raised bed to expand my growing area. After locating my lawn irrigation pipe, I added some water leads to handle the new raised beds. Before the dirt goes into my raised beds, I added pruned tree branches, and other old mulch, cardboard, and debris. This will promote a breakdown and enrichment of my soil. All the soil will be worked into the older soil as well. Last years mulch will add some organic nutrients as well.
My Tomato plan will mean that I will continue to add crushed eggshells into the hole. I also plan to lay them deeper and bury more of the plant. Jobe’s tomato fertilizer stakes are also a keeper. More routine pruning of the suckers is also a goal. Last summer, I had back surgery and was unable to monitor and maintain my garden. The kids helped but I hope to stay on top of my weeding and taking care of the garden.
Nothing is better on a fishing or hunting trip than fresh garden produce. Tomato sandwiches with a slice of cucumber are wonderful. Homemade pickles are delicious. Side dishes of zucchini and other fresh veggies enhance a shore lunch or big game dinner. Making a fresh salad out of your garden is also satisfying.
For some new produce, I plan to add some Brussel Sprouts to the garden, I also found some Super-Sized Pumpkin seeds to add to my grandsons’ pumpkin plants. Each year we share a wheelbarrow full of his special pumpkins.
Gardening is the way hunters and fishermen make side dishes for their harvests and catches.
Catch a Big One!
Montana Grant