Hunting in America has changed. Americans were once a population of Hunters and Gatherers. The native peoples and early pioneers needed to hunt daily to survive. Now we have farming, domesticated animals, and food from around the world, at the local grocery store. Online remote shopping will deliver groceries to the front door. 

Hunting is not just about food. Honestly, a pound of wild game would be the most expensive food on the planet. Once you factor in gear, travel, processing, taxidermy, licenses, time off work, etc., hunting harvests get very pricey.

Hunting is still as exciting as ever! The moments of intense excitement that happen afield are simply amazing. These memories last a lifetime. The relationships and adventures that are a part of hunting are the best. 

Hunting is a Blood Sport. Not everyone appreciates Hunting. 

Hunting continues to change. More women are becoming hunters. The number of hunters per 100,000 citizens is also growing. What I like about hunting with women is their attention to detail and regulations. They can have a great day without having to pull the trigger. When they do tag out, they are easily the most excited hunters in the field. 

Hunters foot the bill! Public lands and wildlife management is paid for by hunters and fishermen. Taxes on gear and license fees pay for the research, procurement, and management of our wild places. 

Western states have the most hunters per 100,000 residents. Wyoming, South Dakota, Montana, North Dakota, and Idaho are hunter habitats. Other states have different species to hunt, that tend to be the most popular. Louisiana has a boatload of duck hunters. Non-resident hunters have destinations that boost hunter density. Big Game such as elk, bears, and antelope bring herds of hunters to Montana. Pheasants invite hunters to flock to North and South Dakota. 

In 2022, there were 15.39 million hunters in the US, Last year there were 15.94 million hunters. This increase is happening despite the increases in license fees and less public lands. Technology is making a difference when dealing with poachers and illegal hunters. Tree cams, cell phones, anywhere/almost phone access, and other tricks are keeping a lid on the bandits. 

Youth hunters are also important for our sport to thrive and continue. Education is key to having kids understand safety and make smart and responsible choices. Male mentors are harder to find but can worth their weight when teaching firearms safety and hunting.

 The most deer hunters are in Pennsylvania. I can remember opening days when you could hear hundreds of gunshots an hour. Single shots meant a kill, multiple shots meant a miss and then a salvo of regret. Orange pumpkin suits dotted the ridgelines. Their most popular rifle is a 30/30.

Every trigger pull, on a bug game critter, becomes tougher. After a lifetime of filled tags, I don’t need a trophy. The kill hurts but I enjoy every other part of the hunt. No bragging rights are needed but I still enjoy whitetail deer steaks and loins the most. 

Tagging a Big Game Critter is a rite of passage. Mentors and veteran hunters pass on their legacy by teaching others. With all the hunters carrying a variety of firearms, it is rare for an accidental shooting to occur. It does happen, but rarely. Hunters feel safer in a woods full of other armed hunters than in a downtown city, back east. 

Hunt hard, hunt harder!

Montana Grant

Montana Grant