Canyon Ferry: Walleye and rainbows are being caught by anglers trolling Slow Death rigs with bottom bouncers or crankbaits in 25 feet of water.  The best areas have been Snaggy Bay (across from White Earth), Ponds 2 and 3, and the river mouth.  Rainbows are being caught at Beaver Creek Bay from shore while using worms.  The carp are starting to get active and can be caught with the same walleye and rainbow gear or by bow fishing.  Troy Humphrey, FWP, Helena

Hauser: A few rainbows are being caught from shore below Canyon Ferry Dam while using nightcrawlers, Mepps spinners, leech patterns or small nymphs. Boat anglers are catching a few rainbows while trolling cowbells and wedding rings tipped with crawlers or bright-colored crankbaits out from the White Sandy/Black Sandy area. A few walleyes are being picked up on Lake Helena while trolling various crankbaits or bottom bouncers with perch-colored spinners tipped with crawlers or leeches.  Chris Hurley, FWP, Helena

Holter: Rainbow fishing continues to be great at the Gates of the Mountains while using Wooly Buggers, San Juan worms, or small nymphs. Trolling cowbells and wedding rings with crawlers or crankbaits on the lower end of the reservoir is also producing good numbers of rainbows. A few perch and an occasional walleye are being picked up while pitching jigs and crawlers around the boat ramp docks from Log Gulch to the BLM campground, in Cottonwood Creek Bay, and in some of the bays on the lower end of the reservoir.   Chris Hurley, FWP, Helena

Fishing Montana Fishing Montana Fishing Reports