After two full weeks of the yellow tag paddlefish season the estimated total harvest is 347 fish (see following table for more details). Paddlefish are widely distributed and being caught from the Tongue River Confluence to the North Dakota State Line.
Now is a good time to remind paddlefish anglers of a few important topics:
1. Harvest days are limited to every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturdays (in all yellow tag areas).
2. Catch and release days are every Sunday, Monday, and Thursdays (only allowed at Intake Fishing Access Site – all other yellow tag areas are closed on catch and release days).
3. Mandatory harvest reporting required within 48 hours of harvest (see fishing regulations for more details).
4. Free paddlefish cleaning services provided at Intake Fishing Access Site on harvest days through at least June 15.
5. Please submit paddlefish jaw sections at self-reporting boxes (Sidney Bridge, Powder Confluence, and Tongue Confluence) which are used for aging fish.
6. Any fish other than a paddlefish caught while paddlefish snagging must be released immediately.
7. Handle all sturgeon with extra care, don’t use a gaff, keep fish in the water, and release immediately because it could be an endangered pallid sturgeon.