Fresno is 97% full, inflow 854 cfs, outflow 650 cfs. Reservoir is near full and water clarity is turbid. Fisherpeople are finding walleyes on the rocky & gravely areas. Some limits are being taken. Jigs as well as slow death rigs tipped with crawlers have been effective. Best depth seems to be 10’- 15’.

Nelson is 93% full, 0 inflow, outflow 190 cfs. Northern fishing is very good. Walleyes are also being caught, although it seem 10 northerns to each walleye. Emerging weed growth areas seem to be the best bet. 12’ seems to be the best depth. Jigs with live minnows or plastics as well as bottom bouncer techniques with crawlers are working. Good luck, will maybe see you on Nelson this weekend.


Fishing Montana Fishing Reports