Fishermen are addicted to fishing. They can’t look at water without wondering what kind of fish swimming may be there. 

There is nothing worse than being in a fishing situation and having no gear to use. On a trip to the eastern shore of Maryland, my wife insisted that I not bring a truckload of fishing rods and tackle. “You always go fishing, let’s just hang out together.” I submitted, reluctantly. As we walked along the beach holding hands, a school of huge bluefish and rockfish were chasing baitfish in the surf, 100 feet and closer. 10 pounders were leaping out of the water chasing herring. 

As a Boy Scout, I went to the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. We backpacked for over a week and had to eat frozen dried everything. We hiked over 120 miles past wonderful trout rivers and ponds. On this trip, I was prepared. I lashed a fly rod to my wooden pack frame. A modest sack of flies and accessories supported my fishing. When we passed a watershed, near camp, I went fishing and loaded up with fresh trout. A fishing survival kit fed us well. 

A fishing survival kit can be spartan. A few hooks, some line, and maybe a jig or spoon. You can make a rod from willow branches or cane poles. On a trip to Jamaica, we simply wrapped fishing line and hooks onto a longnecked beer bottle. A bolt served as our sinkers. A piece of conch was our bait. We caught groupers to 15 pounds on this hand line. Casting took some practice but holding the bottle by the neck allowed us to make a decent cast. 

Native peoples fished for years using spears, traps, nets, and simple cane poles. Hooks were made from shell, wood, and bone. They used the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid!

Overcoming tackle- less situations can be a fun challenge. You can certainly buy a commercial Fishing Survival Kit, but an experienced angler can make a decent custom kit. Using these kits can be great fun and test your fishing prowess. 

Basic Fishing Kit

  • Spool of 10 lb. test line
  • Asst. barbed hooks. Size #8-12
  • Jig heads have both weight and hook combined. Just add some fresh bait.
  • Foam bobbers. You can also make a bobber from wood or floating trash.
  • Several paper clips to make rod guides.
  • Small roll of duct tape or electric tape.

Make a Whittle Fishing Rod. Use a hollow piece of wood or pipe. Have caps on the end to contain the tackle. Wrap and secure the line around a designated spool end. These Whittle Rods work great if you are in a small stream or on a boat. They take up little space and are always on hand. If you have a Buddy that thinks he is the world’s gift to anglers, challenge them to a Whittle Fishing Rod Challenge. 

Sometimes you just must use what you have!

Montana Grant

Fishing Montana Grant