Hi everyone, this is the Upper Salmon River steelhead fishing report for April 9, 2024. The data included in this report was collected between Monday, April 1 and Sunday, April 7, 2024.
During the past week, steelhead angler effort was concentrated upstream of the East Fork in location code 19. The only other areas that received moderate amounts of angler effort were downstream of the Pahsimeroi River confluence in location code 17 and upstream of the Pahsimeroi River in location code 18. Angler effort was very low in areas downstream of Elk Bend.
Catch rates remained good upstream of the East Fork in location code 19, while they continued to drop in all other areas. Anglers interviewed upstream of the East Fork in location code 19 averaged 8 hours per steelhead caught. Anglers interviewed downstream of the East Fork in location code 18 averaged 27 hours per steelhead caught, and anglers interviewed downstream of the Pahsimeroi River in location code 17 averaged 24 hours per steelhead caught. Few interviews were obtained from anglers fishing downstream of the Lemhi River in location codes 15 and 16, and no anglers reported catching a steelhead from either of these areas.